Myth Around Pregnancy, We Know We Ever Believed it

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Avoid Pregnant Myth Anxiety

Pregnancy is an important and precious time for every woman with no exception. It because we know a magical phenomenon, precious creature from God and a new story of a grand adventure is growing inside women’s belly. 

For all of you woman who are pregnant, getting pregnant, pregnant for the first time or all of you who try to getting pregnant I’m sure that you are already heard about pregnancy myth which surrounding around us. Whether it’s comes out from your mother, your friends or co-workers. But sometime it becomes little bit annoying because it increase our anxiety about our pregnancy time. But no need to be too concern or become over anxiety because on this I will revealed some undercover fact behind common pregnant myth which become an urban story nowadays.

Myth: Related with baby’s gender I was pretty sure you already heard about this pregnancy gender prediction myths.”Baby gender can be determined from the size of your belly during second trimester of pregnancy”.
The fact: This Myth is one of baby’s gender myth which totally wrong. For sure, pregnant belly size is influenced by the amount of fat, body shape, genes, and other forms of female pelvis. So we can’t determine or bet the baby’s gender according to this pregnancy myth.

Myth: Pregnant women like to eat ice cream and candies during pregnancy.
The Fact: Yes, another pregnancy myth about food and menus during pregnancy. The fact behind all of this myth is, the pregnant woman’s desire to eat a food is so diverse and we can’t count or judge a woman with the others.

The Myth: Eating a salmon can harm the fetus because it very dangerous
The Fact: Did you know that salmon contains fat omega-3 oil? This nutrition according to medical profession statement, Omega 3 is actually good and healthy for pregnant women. So pregnant women are permitted to eat sushi, but avoid mackerel and tuna.

pregnant and pets,pegnant avoid pets
Pregnant woman and her cat

The Fact: We all know that cat may bring many diseases. But it’s not mean pregnant woman can’t keep their cat. The important fact, stay away from their litter boxes because it may contains dangerous parasite from what they eat.

The Myth: Exercise can be dangerous for pregnant woman (yes right, another myth with no reasonable purpose)
The Fact: Absolutely wrong!!  Pregnant woman need a lot of physical movement to keep their body fit but with recommendation from the doctor and controlled exercise. They allowed to walking, swimming and yoga to increase their body health and prepare for give a birth.

The Myth: Pregnant women is not allowed to have a good time with her couples (You know what I mean)
The Fact: Pregnant woman are allowed to do that during pregnant. The real reason why many couples avoid to done this is because hormonal change during pregnancy will affect them to do that.

The Myth: Take a bath is dangerous for pregnant woman. (And we can laugh from now on)
 The Fact: The great myths which affect every point of view from pregnant woman because they decide to not take a bath until give a birth. What real here, people’s expectation to take a bath with hot water. High temperature is harmful for the baby development especially in the first trimester.
pregnant food,pregnant menu,pregnant avoid beverage,pregnant and junk food,pregnant eat pizza
Food to avoid during pregnancy
The Myth: Pregnant women should not sleep on her stomach below

The Fact: First trimester (first three months of pregnancy), pregnant belly is still possible to be made to sleep on her stomach. But after that, sleeping on your back is recommended for pregnant women because it kept your baby’s position.

The Myth: Junk food such as hamburger or pizza is not good for pregnant woman.
The Fact: Of course it’s not good not only for pregnant woman but also for every people because junk food may trigger serious complication. But junk food such as hot dog is still allowed for pregnant woman provided it cooked with proper ways and not consumed in large amount. And for everybody stay away from junk food.

The Myth: Alcohol and pregnant woman is like an enemy
The Fact: I think alcohol is not good for everybody moreover for pregnant women. Between all of the myth that I mention above, this is one of the myth that clearly true. Alcohol may harm your fetus, disturb you baby’s development and destroy your organ.  

I think that’s all common myth around pregnancy. If you have another opinion, story or even your own experience related with pregnancy myth you can share here by commenting on comment box. We really appreciate your opinion and feedback to help pregnant women who caught in the myths of pregnancy to find a correct fact about their pregnancy condition.

1 Response to "Myth Around Pregnancy, We Know We Ever Believed it"

CrisisMaven said...

There is still nothing wrong with eating salmon (although herbivore fish generally should be preferred as they contain the least amount of mercury that could harm the fetus). But recent meta studies show the influence of omega-3 fatty acids on e.g. the baby's IQ to be overrated. Still, unsaturated fatty acids should certainly be part of any pregnant mother's diet.